Responsable qualité H/F/N en plasturgie

Basée à Eupen et comprenant une trentaine de collaborateurs, AIRWATEC est un acteur important dans la filtration d’air et d’eau. En croissance constante, nous exportons dans une soixantaine de pays. Airwatec développe et fabrique des filtres pour le traitement de l’air en milieu industriel et des appareils de filtration, de purification et de stérilisation des eaux claires, sous les marques CINTROPUR et CINTROCLEAR.

Pour étendre ses activités, le département R&D de filtration d’eau cherche un nouveau collaborateur. (h/f/n)

Votre mission :         

  • Effectuer des contrôles de qualité réguliers sur les produits finis pour s’assurer qu’ils répondent aux spécifications et aux standards de l’entreprise.
  • Analyser et interpréter les résultats des tests et des inspections, et documenter les constatations.
  • Collaborer avec les équipes de production pour identifier et résoudre les problèmes de qualité.
  • Maintenir et mettre à jour les dossiers de qualité et les rapports d’inspection.
  • Former et sensibiliser le personnel de production aux exigences et aux standards de qualité.
  • Entretenir et développer les échanges avec nos fournisseurs en vue d’une optimisation des coûts et des délais via des contrats cadres.

Votre profil :

– Vous êtes titulaire d’un diplôme de bachelier ou d’ingénieur

– Vous avez une connaissance des matières plastiques

– Vous vous tenez au courant de l’évolution des règlementations et des nouveaux produits

– Vous maîtrisez l’anglais, s’exprimer en allemand est un plus

– Vous adaptez votre style de communication à votre interlocuteur

– Vous aimez le souci du détail et faites preuve de rigueur professionnelle.

En rejoignant l’équipe dynamique d’Airwatec :

Vous bénéficierez d’un CDI avec un package attractif comprenant

– un salaire compétitif avec 13ème mois, pécule de vacances et RTT

– véhicule de fonction avec carte carburant européenne, pc portable, GSM et abonnement, assurance revenu garanti, DKV, chèques-repas, bonus si résultats atteints, une évaluation annuelle, deux fêtes annuelles du personnel.

– un programme de formation adaptée à vos besoins pour continuer d’évoluer dans votre fonction

– une écoute attentive et un encadrement humain de la part de la direction.

Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer !

Cette description vous intéresse et vous désirez plus d’informations ?

Contactez sans plus attendre

Drinking Water Policies

In 2012, the Netherlands adopted a Drinking Water Policy for 2021-2026 aimed at ensuring good quality and sufficient drinking water for all Dutch people. Adapted in 2022, this policy establishes a collaboration between the central government, local authorities, drinking water companies, and stakeholders to promote responsible drinking water use.



Periods of drought and limitations in the expansion capacities of water companies have highlighted concerns about the future availability of drinking water.


Growing Population and Increasing Demand

The demand for drinking water is expected to be higher in 2030 than in 2020, requiring an additional production capacity of 100 million m³ annually. Population growth and the construction of 900,000 new homes by 2030 increase the demand for drinking water, while climate change reduces the availability of clean water.


National Plan of Action to Save Drinking Water (NPvA)

The NPvA aims to achieve the objectives of the 2021-26 policy and meet the projected demands for 2030. It proposes measures to reduce drinking water consumption, including changing consumer behaviors, valuing water, retention, storage, and recovery.


Objectives of the Plan

  • Reduce per capita drinking water consumption to 100 liters per day by 2035 (currently 125 liters).
  • Reduce drinking water consumption by large-scale consumers by 20%.
  • Make water-conscious construction the norm for new buildings and renovations by 2035.
  • Limit the use of drinking water for low-value applications.



Households, responsible for 74% of drinking water consumption in 2020, are targeted for water savings. Major uses are showers (41%), toilet flushing (29%), and washing machines (18%). Initiatives such as shorter showers, effective communication about water use, and smart meters are proposed for 2024-25 and beyond.


New Construction and Renovation

By 2035, water-conscious construction should become the norm, with the integration of rainwater and greywater collection systems. These systems could save 30 to 48 liters of drinking water per person per day, with costs ranging from 4,000 to 7,000 euros per system.


Professional Users

Professional users are diverse and require tailored solutions. Benchmarks for different sectors will be established to define target consumption values. Water-saving measures for new buildings and renovations will be considered for professional users.


Research and Collaboration

Research will be conducted to assess the effects of pricing and taxation on reducing drinking water use. The use of data science and smart meters will help optimize the drinking water network and identify possible improvements.



The plan emphasizes the need for cooperation between the government, provinces, municipalities, water boards, consumers, drinking water companies, and the construction and installation sector. It recognizes that achieving the goals requires a long-term commitment and continuous adjustments based on new ideas and developments.


Call to Action

The plan encourages the sharing of innovations and research results on water technology. Aquatech exhibitors are invited to update their company profiles with their latest press releases for free exposure.


Text taken from a publication by Aquatech Online.

Rainwater, which is natural and free, and well water, which is often abundant and local, are attracting a growing amount of interest from those wishing to opt for a more ecological and sustainable approach to their water supply.

However, the consumption of such water requires particular attention when it comes to quality and potability.

Wells : water resources to be used with care.

Wells are fundamental water sources, but their quality varies depending, for example, on geographical location and environmental conditions.

It is very important to understand that this water cannot automatically be considered potable. Some wells may be contaminated with pathogens and dangerous chemicals.

It is therefore essential to carry out a thorough laboratory analysis of this water. This will determine whether it complies with the potability water criteria and standards in force.

Every water source is unique, so it’s essential to work on a case-by-case basis.

For the interpretation of this water analysis, Airwatec is here to help ! We are a Belgian company, founder of the brand Cintropur, and specialized in water treatment solutions.

Thanks to our range of water filtration products, we have the solution you need to enjoy high-quality water from now on !

However, we strongly recommend that you perform this laboratory analysis regularly.

In fact, water that complies with standards at a given moment may later become non-compliant if changes occur.

Rainwater : a precious gift from nature.

Rainwater is a free resource, falling generously from the sky depending on the climate.

Collecting it offers many economic and environmental advantages.

It can easily be used for external household purposes (watering and gardening), floor cleaning and for flushing the toilets.

However, when it comes to using it for other purposes, it is essential to ensure its quality. Airwatec has made this its speciality.

Unlike wells, rainwater rarely needs a laboratory analysis.

In general, it is less subject to chemical contaminants. Nevertheless, it can be exposed to pollution from the roof, gutters or during its stay in the cistern.

That’s where 3 essential steps come into play. Filtering, treating and sterilizing this water will enable you to use it for many sanitary applications in the house (washing machines, dishwashers, baths, showers and washbasins)! We do not recommend using this water for cooking or as a hot or cold drink.)

Keeping your rainwater tank clean remains an important parameter. It will condition the quality of the stored water and the entire subsequent filtration and treatment process.

Cintropur’s TRIO-UV : the perfect combination for consumable water.

Cintropur offers a complete range of water filters and accessories, including the TRIO-UV, providing a triple treatment in a single device !

It begins with a filter screen that retains suspended particles, followed by activated carbon to remove odours, pesticides and herbicides, and to clarify the water. The final stage is a UVc sterilizer to eliminate undesirable micro-organisms present in the water.

After treatment with the TRIO-UV, this water will be considerably better quality for many sanitary applications in the home.

To conclude : let’s enjoy nature with care.

Rainwater and well water are precious natural resources that can be exploited with full knowledge of the facts, thanks to our water treatment solutions.

But it’s crucial to remember that every situation is unique, and that clear and transparent water is not necessarily consumable or potable.

Airwatec, along with its network of dealers, is always available to support and inform customers who want to understand and control their water quality. Feel free to contact us !

Don’t forget that every drop of water counts, so let’s make it a precious commodity for our health, our planet and our wallet !

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